NEUHU+ Newswire

NEWS WIRE ENROLLMENT NEWS DISTRIBUTION: NEUHU+ Newswire commences with NEUHU+ VIDEO INTERVIEW distribution to over 20,000+ Institutional members in the U.S. and worldwide. ● 4 ONE-ON-ONE TH+ VIRTUAL VIDEO INTERVIEWS: One-On-One Sr.Analyst video meetings are arranged and distributed to pre-selected Hedge Funds, Private Equity funds, Family Offices, Registered Investment Advisors (RIA), Pension Funds, Endowments, and other institutional investors, alternative managers, and L.P. members during the one-year NEUHU+ Newswire program. ● 12 MONTH VIDEO ANALYTICS: The respective company video analytics is updated in corporate profile ,NEUHU+™, and NEUHU+.COM™, including fund manager, corporate member following, and WHO VIEWED YOUR PROFILE in the next 12 months and option to directly message or connect with profile viewers through NEUHU+.COM global institutional network and Directly message followers .