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Allosteric modulators for Human Health|TIM DYER,CEO,Addex Therapeutics Ltd 00:10:00

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Since co‑founding Addex in 2002, Mr. Dyer has played a pivotal role in building the Addex Group, raising significant capital, including Addex IPO and negotiating licensing agreements with pharmaceutical industry partners. Prior to founding Addex, he spent 10 years with Price Waterhouse, or PW & PricewaterhouseCoopers, or PwC in the UK and Switzerland as part of the audit and business advisory group. At PwC in Switzerland, Mr Dyer’s responsibilities included managing the service delivery to a diverse portfolio of clients including high growth start‑up companies, international financial institutions and venture capital and investment companies. Mr. Dyer has extensive experience in finance, corporate development, business operations and the building of start‑up companies. He is a UK Chartered Accountant and holds a BSc (Hons) in Biochemistry and Pharmacology from the University of Southampton, UK. Mr Dyer is also CEO and a board member of Neurosterix and allosteric modulator drug discovery and development company based on the former Addex technology platform of which Addex own a 20% share.

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